A new way a new day
Different sights different plights
How can you when you don't know
How can you don't care to know
How can you when one has it all wins, lose or draw

When one can't even if they drew straws
How can you when you make the laws even though they have flaws
United you stand divided you surely will fall
Remember this most of all
There will be no peace
Unless we all have piece of which is our unalienable right.
Justice, liberty and peace for us all
How can we even think of retrieving our forty acres and a mule
When we can't even get a equal and just rule
No more waying in the water
No more waiting to be slaughter
No more acting as if we are a bother
Remember we are someone's
Sister , brother, mother and father
Look through someone else's lens
Then you surely will see there must be a new day
A different way